Preserving the planet and improving the deteriorated state of it is one of the priorities of human beings today and it is a task in which most sectors and companies must get involved. Architecture and construction should not be an exception when we talk about sustainability and environmental care. It is important to become aware and understand “ecosophy”, a trend that our partner Blues Simón Group explains below.

One of the most important factors for which ecological architecture must be carried out is to take care of the environment and provide well-being to our clients. Customers are a fundamental part of ecological construction, since every day they demand more constructions that respect the environment. The needs of people are the first point on which construction companies should focus when building sustainably. It is essential to take into account what people’s needs are and how their quality of life and comfort can be improved. Because, according to Blues Simon Group, sustainable architecture or construction stems from a philosophy of life, a lifestyle, in which caring for the planet prevails, both for the client and for us.

To increase sustainability when carrying out ecological construction, it is important to use natural materials, recyclable and even recycled resources that are not toxic or polluting, with a minimal carbon footprint. These are the materials and natural resources of the environment in which the construction is located and that play in favor of sustainability.

According to Blues Simón Group, materials also play an important role in achieving a construction with maximum energy efficiency. The use of natural insulating materials that can achieve a high level of thermal comfort, keeping the house warm in winter and cool in summer, is essential. In this way there will be a lower consumption of resources when it comes to air conditioning the house.

A good orientation of the house and the best insulation, sealing, solar protection and ventilation resources, explains Blues, can help reduce energy consumption to almost zero. The earth provides us with everything we need to live, that is, numerous forms of renewable energy and they are the key to eco-architecture.